Я пропускаю вас. 10 лет, слишком длиной. Я планирую отключение на Востоке курьерском на лето. Iий длиной, котор нужно увидеть вас и поплавать в вашем Volga. С всем leashed обезьяны!
Здесь к 2007 и many more успешно полетам в космос!

А. Рэндалл Сронс
P.S. The song featured in Cheburashka is the Russian "Birthday Song"... which I absolutely love. For this reason, I dedicate this post to Ivan Ivanov. Ivan was my taxi driver to the Greenpoint impound lot, where my car was being held earlier this week by some men and several cats. Ivan insisted on taking the BQE at around 4:30 post meridiem. As such was the case, I asked him to please tell me all about the Baltic Sea and to sing the "Birthday Song".
(He did both of these things many times over and eventually dropped me off, feeling most justified in driving off with an $18.00 tip.)
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