"I could just rip my face off!"
I hereby retire this favorite phrase of mine.
There is just no reason for me to say such a thing ever again. I say this almost every chance I get.
Usually, when I'm very happy and over-excited.
It's obviously the sign of some deep pathology...
It is not a very becoming turn of phrase either.
Trust this:
I am masterful at spotting the source of madness.
And - I don't think I'm too far off track here in suggesting that anyone who was between the ages of 5-8, or 9, maybe 21, and watched HBO from whenever to whenever, in the very jessant joissance of the early 80's, suffered irreparable cognitive damage from seeing stuff like this:

Did Karen Allen rip her face off in Starman?

So yes.
I have now, here, easily identified the forceful thrust behind such a mad thing to say.
After having fun getting friendly with some other childhood terrors:
It's easier for me to see why I might equate them with fun...and your face can really hurt from smiling too hard.
To send the phrase off in style, I would love to just simply say:

I could...just...
This was just!
Pure Face-Ripping Joy.

There is just no reason for me to say such a thing ever again. I say this almost every chance I get.
Usually, when I'm very happy and over-excited.
It's obviously the sign of some deep pathology...
It is not a very becoming turn of phrase either.
Trust this:
I am masterful at spotting the source of madness.
And - I don't think I'm too far off track here in suggesting that anyone who was between the ages of 5-8, or 9, maybe 21, and watched HBO from whenever to whenever, in the very jessant joissance of the early 80's, suffered irreparable cognitive damage from seeing stuff like this:

Did Karen Allen rip her face off in Starman?

So yes.
I have now, here, easily identified the forceful thrust behind such a mad thing to say.
After having fun getting friendly with some other childhood terrors:
It's easier for me to see why I might equate them with fun...and your face can really hurt from smiling too hard.
To send the phrase off in style, I would love to just simply say:

I could...just...
This was just!
Pure Face-Ripping Joy.

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