When We Aren't Playing Scrabble...

Schnabel: I've been living with a lot of negativity for the past 15 years, but it never impacted on my work, or my way of working. It's like a rhinoceros with birds shitting on its back. It stopped me getting comfortable but it never worried me.
A. Randall: Nothing like a bathrobe. Did I tell you about my dream that I had twins, but they were Mexican, and some sort of Skink? You know, that kind with a head the same as it's tail?
Schnabel: I dream about art, and images come to me in dreams. I am definitely hoping to be in touch with my subconscious. I expect a call any minute.
A. Randall: Ring...Ring... Just kidding. Yeah. Not funny. At all. Forget it. Hey, can I borrow another bathrobe? This one's a little grubby.

A. Randall: Much better!
Schnabel: Some people must go to extremes to get the world in balance for themselves. Some can't bear bright lights, so wherever they go they search for the dark; they turn the lights down, anything to sustain some level of comfort.
A. Randall: Oh! Wow! Is that a "Monk style"? Uni-dyed, single ply, extra large hood, full length, 2 patch pockets, adjustable sleeve length with turn back cuffs, wide self fabric belt, 5 pounder?
Schnabel: Jealous?
A. Randall: Ahahhahhhahahahahhahahhahhaaaaahhahhaha! Heeeehehehhhhhhhehackhackhack-hack...

A. Randall: This is nice. We match. Well, not really...but we complement each other. Do you ever wonder what it's like to just blend in?
Schnabel: I paint paintings because I can't get the experience in any other way but there are many more experiences that are equally satisfying to me and equally inept at answering all my questions, but hover in exactitude in describing themselves and defying me to define their logic.
A. Randall: Hmmm. Yeah. What was the question?
Schnabel: It's a great excuse and luxury, having a job and blaming it for your inability to do your own art. When you don't have to work, you are left with the horror of facing your own lack of imagination and your own emptiness. A devastating possibility when finally time is your own.
A. Randall: I've totally memorized all of the two-letter words! Are you proud?! Look: Ro; noun- an artificial language for international use that rejects all existing words and is based instead on an abstract analysis of ideas. Ti; noun- a drink with jam and bread. Re; noun- a shortened form of retard.

A. Randall: Throw it!!! Over here! Pass! Oh yeah, you never did ask me who I was voting for.
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